Teen Wolf Season 1, Ep. 03 "Pack Mentality"


TEEN WOLF-Season 1

Scott and Allison are making out in a school bus, the adrenaline rush making Scott turn into a werewolf. He proceeds to attack Allison. Later at school, Scott talks with Stiles, revealing that the attack was a dream. As they walk out of the school, they see a bus, the emergency escape door hanging from a hinge, bloodied. Scott worries that it wasn't a dream and that he actually killed Allison, but is relieved to see Allison alive and well. While in class, Scott and Stiles see the real victim, torn up, though still alive, from the bus attack being wheeled to the ambulance. Scott then tells Stiles he must have attacked the bus driver. Scott sees pictures of the driver's intense wounds at the vet's office, where he works. Worried, he turns to Derek for help on controlling his inner wolf. Derek agrees to help as long as Scott promises him an unknown favor. Derek then sends Scott to the bus where he discovers (through flashbacks) that he didn't attack the bus driver but was trying to help him instead. Feeling better, Scott goes on a group date with Allison, Lydia and Jackson to the bowling alley where Jackson's suspicions of Scott increase. Stiles informs Scott that the bus driver has died from his wounds. Angry, Scott heads to Derek's house where they fight as werewolves until Derek reveals to Scott that he wasn't the one who bit him. Scott learns there is another wolf, a powerful Alpha, more animal than human, who actually bit him. He also learns that Derek's sister went looking for this Alpha before she was killed. Derek hopes to use Scott's connection to the Alpha (who wants Scott in his pack) to find him and for Scott to help (the promised favor). The camera cuts to the woods and closes in on glowing red eyes.
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