Teen Wolf Season 1, Ep. 10 "Co-Captain"


TEEN WOLF-Season 1

Stiles uses his father's research to get answers about the Alpha's victims. Apparently, the Alpha has been killing only the ones who were involved with the fire that killed the Hale family. Jackson is suspected to be one of the werewolves and Allison's father tries to get the truth out of him. Scott is angered by this but Jackson is still keen on becoming a werewolf. Derek and his uncle appear while Scott is in the school locker room. They want him to enter the pack. Scott is shocked that Derek is suddenly on the Alpha's side. The Alpha punctures Scott's neck, showing him what really happened during the fire and the murders through flashbacks. He reveals that the murder of Derek's sister was an accident and shows him that as well. While looking for her necklace with the family crest, Allison finds the sharp end of an arrow left behind by Kate and tries it out in the woods with Lydia. She shoots Scott with a taser, thinking him to be an intruder. She apologizes and Scott reveals that he was there to return her family crest necklace. Allison hugs him and leaves quickly. She later visits Scott's house, wanting to talk to him. At the same time, they see that Scott's mom, Melissa, is preparing for a date. Scott opens the door to see that Melissa's date is Derek's uncle, the Alpha. The Alpha unceasingly wants Scott to join him and Derek, and plans to convert Melissa into a werewolf as a means of coercing Scott to join the pack. Scott leaves Allison in his bedroom to follow his mom and manages to thwart the Alpha's plan. After entering the Hale property, Scott appears to save Jackson from being killed. There's gunfire from enemy lines--Kate. Scott gets shot and someone carries him out of the woods: the town vet. When he takes the bullet out of Scott's body, he reveals that he only works healing cats and dogs 90% of the time, leaving him to know that the other 10% are werewolves. Kate reveals the family secret to Allison. It's revealed that she's got Derek tied up with chains against the wall, torturing him by electrocuting him with high voltage power.
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