Teen Wolf Season 1, Ep. 04 "Magic Bullet"


TEEN WOLF-Season 1

A woman driving her car at night is followed by a werewolf that tries to kill her. The woman grabs her gun and shoots at it. Derek is in the shadows, trying to follow the werewolf. As he jumps across the roof, he is shot in the arm with a bullet containing wolfsbane by the woman and falls in pain. Scott, awakened by howls, overhears Allison's dad and the woman, who turns out to be Allison's aunt Kate, saying Derek has 48 hours to live. The next day, Derek goes looking for Scott at his school and asks Jackson where he is. Jackson irritates him instead and Derek grabs the back of his neck, causing scratches from his wolf claws on Jackson's skin. After school, Stiles is leaving in his car when Derek appears, much to Stiles' and Scott's shock. Noticing he's ill, Scott and Stiles help him into the car. Derek tells them he needs a bullet like the one the hunter used on him. Stiles is left with Derek while Scott goes to Allison's house to find the bullet. Insisted by Kate, Scott stays for an awkward dinner while trying to deal with Stiles via texts and find the bullet. Stiles, having a hard time taking care of Derek, takes Derek to the vet's office. Derek's health is declining and he tells Stiles that if the wolfsbane from the bullet reaches his heart, he will die. Derek plans to have Stiles cut his arm off if they run out of time. Back at Allison's house, Scott excuses himself to the bathroom and is lured to Kate's weapon bag. Inside, he finds the type of bullet that was used on Derek and takes one. Scott makes it to the vet's office right before Stiles starts cutting Derek's arm. Derek removes the wolfsbane in the bullet, burns it, then applies the wolfsbane ashes to his wound, which supernaturally heals him. Scott admits the hunters of Allison's family seem like good people. To prove him wrong, Derek takes Scott to see his badly burned uncle. He solemnly tells Scott that a fire killed his entire family six years ago, even the ones who weren't werewolves, started by hunters who went against their own rules. Kate and Allison's father are talking about werewolves at home. It is then hinted that Kate was among the group of hunters who started the fire that killed Derek's family.
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