Teen Wolf Season 1, Ep. 08 "Lunatic"


TEEN WOLF-Season 1

Stiles takes Scott into the woods to get drunk in an effort to comfort him after his break-up with Allison. As they drink, two men come and take the bottle, only for Scott, influenced by the coming full moon, to get angered and take it back by force. As the men leave, they are killed by the Alpha. The next morning, it is revealed that the high school is now reopened after the repairs due to the events of Night School. Scott is comforted by his mother about the breakup. As the day goes on, Scott begins showing bizarre behaviours unlike himself, culminating in his running out of a Economics exam when he thinks too hard. Stiles follows and the two decide to lock him up during the full moon, for fear that he may kill someone under its influence. Scott and Stiles have lacrosse practice, where it's announced that Stiles is now a starter and Scott is now a co-captain, which infuriates Jackson. Prior to practice, Scott goes to ask Lydia if she likes Stiles on Stiles' behalf; instead the conversation is shifted to how Allison was stupid to let Scott go and Lydia and Scott kiss. Scott later lies to Stiles and claims that she said she likes him. During practice, Scott is incredibly violent and leaves one player with a bloody nose. Allison and Jackson bond and go for a drive, where they discuss the attack on the school. Both agree that Derek was not their attacker. That evening, Stiles finds Scott sitting in the dark, his mood very dark and predatory. Stiles handcuffs Scott to a radiator to protect him from himself and for revenge on kissing Lydia. Scott goes wild, screaming in agony, yet unable to go free until the moon is unclouded. He transforms and escapes. Just as he is about to attack Jackson and Allison, Derek, who is alive, subdues him. The Argents discuss the two werewolves, seemingly concluding that there's a younger one alongside Derek. Scott, now back to normal and extremely scared about what is happening to him, asks if there's a cure. Derek confirms that there might be: To kill the one who bit you. He promises Scott that if Scott helps him find the Alpha, he will help Scott kill him. Jackson finds a claw-nail on his car, left by Scott, and realizes that it matches the hole in Scott's pierced glove that he found in Episode 2.
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