The Vampire Diaries Season 2, Ep. 12 "The Descent"


The Vampire Diaries-Season 2

Stefan has his own ideas about Elena’s new plan for the future. He tries to contact Isobel and gets in touch with John Gilbert who comes home in the end. While Damon tries to get the truth of how to cure a wolf bite out of Jules, he asks Elena to keep an eye on Rose, a situation that turns unexpectedly dangerous, almost fatal to Elena when Rose mistakes her for Katherine. Although Rose struggles to cope, she wishes she were back home with her friends and family, "being" human again. Caroline and Matt try to be honest about their feelings for one another. They both confess their love for the other. Tyler’s reaction to Caroline's generosity comes as a surprise to her. Meanwhile, Rose escapes from the Salvatore house and kills three people before Damon and Elena are able to find her. Damon carries Rose back to his room where she gets worse and is in more pain. Rose tells Elena that Damon wants to care, but when he does he runs away from it. Damon intervenes in Rose's dream placing her back in her homeland as a human. In Rose's dream, she reminds Damon that he built a life for himself while she spent the last 500 years just existing. Rose asks Damon if she'll see her family again and he says he thinks she'll see whoever she wants to see. Rose says that would be nice and maybe she'll see Trevor, too. She tells Damon she's not afraid anymore. Hearing that she is not afraid anymore, Damon prepares to stake her. As Rose counts down to a race, Damon, while crying, stakes her, giving her a peaceful death. Damon admits to Elena that he knows she is his friend and that he does feel because he was supposed to have died. Elena realizes he feels guilty, but Damon says that would be human of him, and he's not. He tells her to go home, but before she does she hugs him as he struggles not to cry. He confesses to a stranger on the road named Jessica, who is compelled "not to move", that his big secret is that he misses being human. He struggles with the dilemma of whether to bite her or not. He lets her go, but bites her soon after. Tyler meets Jules at the Grill, where she informs him that she knows he and Mason are werewolves; Mason is dead and that Caroline and her vampire friends were behind it. Tyler disagrees and she tells him there are more werewolves out there and they're on their way.
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