The Vampire Diaries Season 2, Ep. 01 “The Return”


The Vampire Diaries-Season 2

Picking up where the first season left off, Elena arrives home to discover Uncle John's and Jeremy's fates. At the hospital, Sheriff Forbes waits to hear if Caroline will survive the car accident. Damon, Bonnie, and Elena agree that Caroline needs some of Damon's blood in her system to make sure she pulls through. Stefan is the first to realize that Katherine has returned and is now impersonating Elena. At the Lockwood house, Bonnie meets Katherine and a short fight ensues; Stefan breaks it up. Both Stefan and Damon try to find out what Katherine wants, why she's back, and how much of a threat she is to the people they love. Tyler is surprised when his uncle, Mason Lockwood, arrives in town to console him. Katherine and Damon nearly sleep together, but Katherine tells Damon that she never loved him and that she had always loved Stefan. Distraught, Damon goes to see Elena, who resists his attempt to kiss her. Angry that Elena also loves Stefan, Damon snaps Jeremy's neck to get back at her. Jeremy survives because he is wearing John's ring, which protects him from death from supernatural forces. Katherine later goes to the hospital to see Caroline, who mistakes her for Elena, and uses a pillow to smother Caroline. Before Caroline dies, Katherine introduces herself and tells Caroline to deliver a message to the Salvatore brothers - "Game on".
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