The Vampire Diaries Season 2, Ep. 10 "The Sacrifice"


The Vampire Diaries-Season 2

Stefan and Damon plot to get the moonstone from Katherine so they can lift the curse. Elena asks Rose to take her to Slater so they can learn more about Klaus and where to find him. Instead, they find Slater's staked corpse in his house. Elena uses information from his computer to get Klaus's attention, saying that she, the doppelganger, is willing to surrender. Rose protests, but Elena insists that surrendering is the only way to protect the people she loves from Klaus. Meanwhile, Caroline and Tyler discuss the approaching full moon and explore the underground tomb on the old Lockwood family property. They discover Mason's journal and the video diary that he had used to document his extremely painful transformations. Bonnie forms a plan to lift the spell from the tomb and temporarily incapacitate Katherine so that Stefan can quickly grab the moonstone, but Jeremy goes ahead with the plan by himself and is captured and fed on by Katherine. He manages to toss the moonstone out of the tomb. Stefan arrives and pushes Jeremy out safely, but is trapped in it himself. Later, Jeremy and Bonnie almost kiss. Damon arrives at Slater's house and tells Elena that he will not let her surrender to Klaus or put herself in danger. Three unnamed vampires confront Damon, Rose, and Elena. Elijah shows up killing one and Rose flees. The remaining two vampires want to take Elena to Klaus, but Elijah kills them too and leaves Damon and Elena unharmed. They return to Mystic Falls; Elena tries to run to Stefan in the tomb, but Damon restrains her. Stefan makes Damon promise to protect Elena, and he agrees. Elijah and Luca's father discuss what had happened at Slater's house. Elijah states that he spared Damon because he could see that both Damon and Stefan would protect Elena, which is what Elijah has been trying to do.
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