The Vampire Diaries Season 2, Ep. 03 “Bad Moon Rising”


The Vampire Diaries-Season 2

Elena, Damon, and Alaric head to Isobel's old office at Duke University to do research on Katherine and the Lockwood family secret; they encounter Isobel's research assistant, Vanessa, who helps them locate information on werewolves and their relationship to vampires. It is revealed that vampires and werewolves used to roam freely until a shaman placed a curse on them which limited their powers and their ability to cause havoc: the werewolves were from then one servants to the Moon and vampires became the slaves of the sun. Stefan stays behind to help Caroline adjust to life as a vampire; he teaches her how to control herself and hunt animals, and has a reluctant Bonnie make Caroline a daylight ring. Meanwhile, Mason's plan to restrain himself during the full moon hits a snag, leading him to roam free as a werewolf, and come into contact with both Stefan and Caroline. Tyler saves them by shouting at the werewolf, causing it to run away; he later finds Mason in the woods, naked and covered in dirt, and connects the dots. Caroline cannot control herself while making out with Matt and ends up feeding on him. She compels him to forget about it, but later ends their relationship so that he will be safe from her. Damon gives Elena Katherine's real name- Katerina Petrova- to aid in her research; Elena grudgingly begins to forgive him for hurting Jeremy. Alaric reaffirms his romantic interest in Jenna. Caroline awakens to find Katherine in her bedroom.
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