This episode titled ‘Miss Mystic Falls’ may have started out slow but it soon geared up to its usual pace and style. In fact, I thought this week’s episode was exceptional in how it portrayed Stefan’s addiction and struggle. I must say Paul Wesley slipped into the scary vampire character flawlessly! It was rather interesting to watch the Salvatore brothers playing reverse roles in this one… with Stefan being the fun-loving scary vamp and Damon being the responsible one!
So Elena confronts Stefan who tries his best to convince Elena that he’s fine but in vain. He leaves the Miss Mystic Falls Pageant in a huff and on the way convinces Amber to go with him. Now this is one of the things I like most about Vampire Diaries. Unlike other TV shows that just don’t let their hero character go too far in the wrong, Vampire Diaries boldly crosses that line! Stefan takes Amber with him into the woods and bites her!
So let’s recap. Earlier on in the show Uncle John tells Damon what he’s really after – an invention that the actual John Gilbert had created. He goes on to ask Damon if he knows a vampire named Pearl who might know a thing or two about the invention’s whereabouts. But just as soon as Uncle John asks about Pearl, Damon gets a clue that he’s full of crap. So Damon tells him just that and says if John really knew Katherine then he would’ve known that Pearl was her best friend. So Damon throw John out and even threatens to kill every member of the founder’s family if he told anyone about his identity.
And this week, Pearl approaches Damon trying to make peace and remain in Mystic Falls. As a peace offering she gives Damon one of John Gilbert’s inventions! She says she stole it a while ago thinking it was the vampire finder he had invented, but it wasn’t. So, do you think this is the same invention that Uncle John was after? I’m pretty sure it is…
In the main storyline, it turns out that Stefan has more of a drinking problem than he let on last week. Damon finds out that Stefan was the one responsible for the blood banks running dry and also that he has been lying to Elena about his problem. Damon tries to help his brother by keeping this to himself but ends up spilling the beans to Elena when it all gets too much for him to handle.
Elena then follows Stefan home and tries to tell him she can help him in vain. She then has no choice but to trick Stefan and inject him with a vervain filled dart. Damon then carries him down to the basement where they lock him in and hope this would help him get off human blood.
In other storylines, Anna and Jeremy get closer as Jeremy tells her he knows the secrets of Mystic Falls. And Anna admits that she has feelings for Jeremy. Anna also tells Damon later on that all the vampires (except Harper) from the tomb were kicked out of their house… well, I sure hope they come back at some later point in the show. It’ll be quite lame if the past week’s villains were so easily written off.
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