Teen Wolf Season 1, Ep. 11 "Formality"


TEEN WOLF-Season 1

The winter formal is coming up at the school. Kate explains about werewolves and werewolf hunters to Allison by using the kidnapped Derek as an example. Allison leaves in a panic and, after being pulled over by Sheriff Stilinski, decides to be strong. While the vet is taking care of Scott, he is accostled by Peter, who threatens him. The vet however, refuses to give Scott to him. Peter throws furniture at him but the vet appears fine, standing solid. Frustrated, Peter leaves. Coach Finstock informs Scott that due to his academic standing, he won't be allowed to attend the dance. This concerns Scott and Stiles, who are fully aware that the Alpha is after Allison. Thus, Scott pleads with Jackson into asking Allison to the dance to protect her, but he refuses, saying that none of this is his problem. As a result, Scott shifts into a werewolf and forces Jackson to ask her, while Allison convinces Lydia to ask Stiles. They go shopping for formal clothes, where Peter approaches Allison under the guise of giving fashion advice. However, Scott's quick thinking pulls her out of the mall and away from him. That evening, Kate speaks to Derek, revealing that the two were in a relationship at one point. She figures out that Scott is the second Beta. At the dance, Jackson has gotten drunk and is reluctant to spend time with Allison. Stiles has success in wooing Lydia by appealing to her high intellect but she is on the lookout for Jackson. Scott also arrives and is spotted by Finstock; however, with some unwitting help from Danny, he manages to get Finstock off his back. He approaches Allison and confesses that he loves her, leading to a kiss. Jackson drunkenly stumbles into the woods and sees what he thinks is a werewolf. He demands to be changed, only to see that the silhouettes are that of hunters, led by Mr. Argent. Jackson reveals Scott's identity to them. Lydia is distant with Stiles and leaves to find Jackson. Instead, Stiles finds Jackson, who is in a confused daze. Lydia walks out to the field, where she's attacked by Peter before Stiles can come to her rescue. Peter asks Stiles where Derek is, threatening to kill an unconscious Lydia. Scott and Allison go to the school buses for time alone and Allison enters a bus, beckoning Scott to come in. Before he can, Scott is blocked in between two cars, one of which is driven by Chris Argent. The two cars collide, about to crush Scott; Scott jumps up, on top of the cars. As Scott looks up, he has transformed into a werewolf, revealing his identity to a horrified Allison.
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