Teen Wolf Season 1, Ep. 06 "Heart Monitor"


TEEN WOLF-Season 1

While Scott is trying to find his car in a parking garage, he sees a shadow, followed by a low growl, and begins running. A werewolf chases after him. Scott hides among a row of cars but his phone rings and he panics. The werewolf turns out to be Derek, who was testing Scott's skills. Upset, Scott asks Derek to seriously teach him how to control his changes. Derek says that he'll teach Scott if he stays away from Allison, as she is a distraction. Scott agrees but goes to see Allison anyway. After he leaves, he has a run-in with the Alpha who draws a spiral on his window, similar to the one on Derek's sister, Laura's grave. At home, Scott finds Derek in his room and tells him about the spiral. This disturbs Derek and he leaves. At school, Scott tries to avoid Allison. Since Scott's short temper is what sets off his transformation, Stiles insists on teaching Scott to control his anger. He keeps track of Scott's heart rate with a heart monitor. In bad situations, Scott keeps himself calm by thinking of Allison and realizes that she makes him weak. Jackson, disturbed by the claw marks on his neck, has hallucinations of claws coming from his mouth. Scott and Stiles realize that Allison helps control Scott's anger. Derek visits his burnt uncle and asks about the Alpha but leaves after no response. He finds an article about a dead deer with a spiral etched into its fur on his car. He learns the town vet dealt with the animal and visits him to ask about the animal. However, the vet lies and Derek angrily tries to get the truth from him. Scott stops him just as Derek knocks the vet out. Scott tells Derek to meet him tonight at school, where he and Stiles sneak in to use the PA system so Scott can call out the Alpha. Derek arrives with the unconscious vet in his car. After a loud howl from Scott, the boys go outside where they notice the vet is gone from Derek's car. Derek is then lifted by the Alpha and thrown against the school wall, laying motionless. The Alpha then goes after Scott and Stiles, who lock themselves in the school, panicked and unsure if Derek is still alive.
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