The Vampire Diaries Season 2, Ep. 22 "As I Lay Dying"


The Vampire Diaries-Season 2

Elena and Jeremy try to return to normal activities by attending Mystic Falls' screening of "Gone with the Wind". Damon attempts to win Elena's forgiveness even though he admits that he doesn't deserve it. Elena refuses him. Damon then attempts to commit suicide as he knows what will happen due to the werewolf bite but he is stopped and locked up by Stefan. Stefan seeks Bonnie's help to find a cure for a werewolf bite. He asks Bonnie to help him contact Emily so they can find a cure for Damon. Emily refuses to cooperate, but Bonnie hears the witches say a name: Klaus. During this time, Klaus has completed the transformation into a wolf and awakens to find Elijah waiting for him. He makes Klaus remember his deal: he must reunite Elijah with their family which Klaus says he will. Stefan goes to see Klaus and asks him for the cure. Klaus says he must first keep his promise to Elijah, that he would reunite him with the family he killed. He then betrays Elijah, stabbing and killing him with the dagger for the second time. Klaus reveals that his blood is the cure for a werewolf bite by biting Katerina and then giving her his blood. In exchange for a vial, Klaus wants Stefan to become a ripper again and leave Mystic Falls with him, claiming that he has big plans for him. Stefan agrees and drinks human blood to prove himself. Sheriff Forbes attempts to ambush Damon at the Salvatore house, but Damon escapes. Jeremy is the next to intercept Damon and brings him to the Grill. Sheriff Forbes finds them and shoots at Damon, but hits Jeremy instead. Bonnie takes him and begs the witches to bring him back to life, which they do, meanwhile warning Bonnie of "consequences". The news of Jeremy's revival reaches Caroline and her mother, who make amends. Elena finds a delirious Damon and brings him back home, where Elena kisses him after Damon confesses his love for her. Katherine interrupts with Klaus' cure. Later, Klaus tests Stefan once more, asking him to chase and kill a human girl. Once Stefan does this, Klaus says they can now leave Mystic Falls. At the Gilbert house, Jeremy is awakened by noises. He goes downstairs, where he finds his deceased vampire ex-girlfriends Anna and Vicki.
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