Teen Wolf Season 1, Ep. 01 "Wolf Moon"


Teen Wolf-Season 1

Scott McCall, a 16-year-old unpopular kid, and his best friend Stiles go into the woods to find a dead body whose one half is missing, but Stiles' father, the sheriff, catches Stiles and takes him home. While Scott is going back home, he hears a wolf howl and is subsequently bitten in the abdomen by the wolf. The next day, at his high school's lacrosse team tryouts, Scott discovers new abilities like super hearing, enhanced strength, agility and reflexes. He is quickly noticed by the team captain Jackson. Scott gets the attention of the new girl, Allison, and gets a date to a party with her. Before he gets there, Stiles tells him that the full moon is upon them and he should stay away from Allison because he will turn into a werewolf. Scott ignores him and goes to the party anyway. At the party, he starts getting aches and pains from his first transformation into a werewolf and runs away, leaving Allison alarmed. Stiles later goes to Scott's house and tells him that Derek Hale, a mysterious young man, drove Allison home. Scott begins to view Derek as a threat to her as he thinks Derek is the werewolf who bit him. He goes into the woods where three hunters almost shoot him with an arrow, but he is saved by Derek. Derek reveals to him that he is a werewolf too and that they are "brothers" now. The next morning at school, Scott apologizes to Allison for leaving her at the party and finds out that one of the hunters is actually Allison's father.

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